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Metasearch engines

Discover the power of metasearch engines: accommodation comparison in one place. More visibility for your hotel, more direct reservations. Optimize rates and stand out from the competition! Real-time adjustments, data and analysis to boost your marketing strategy. Your door to the world of opportunities in the hotel industry.

Software para hoteles

Metasearch engines

We facilitate the connection, management and optimization of distribution in metasearch engines through a centralized and easy-to-use control panel.

We take care of carrying out this process at all times. Our meta-manager allows you to connect and, what is even more important, have direct control over all your metasearch campaigns through a centralized panel. You can make adjustments based on the device, market, dates, minimum stay, and more.

Based on the data collected, we design the most effective strategy, evaluate the existing distribution and restructure it if necessary. In addition, we generate detailed reports weekly and monthly covering both the past, current and future situation , giving you a complete view of the information at all times. This way, you will always have access to all relevant data.

What systems do you need integration with?

Trivago, Google Hotel Ads, Tripadvisor, Wego, Skyscanner, Kayak, Bing Ads

What is the implementation process for this product?

A kick off is carried out with the Business Development team, an Account Manager is assigned and a work plan is created for each of the departments involved.

What is the minimum implementation period for this product?  

To be confirmed depending on the project.

What is the maximum implementation period of this product?

To be confirmed depending on the project.

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Your    integrations


Its integrations with  


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PMS Integrations

Its integrations with  
Booking engine

Orange isotype with white background.png

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Reservation Engines Integrations

Channel Manager Integrations

Orange isotype with white background.png

Its integrations with  
Channel Manager

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Orange isotype with white background.png

Its integrations with  
Other systems

Soy un párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y edítame. Es muy sencillo.

Integrations with other systems

franja Hotelsaas blanco.png

Discover the HOTEL MANAGEMENT software in just 4 clicks! 

Logo Hotel

Logo Hotel

Logo Hotel

Their customers

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Is there a free trial of the product? 

What is the configuration or set up price?




What is the price for a 75 room hotel?  


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